“Daughter loves it!”
We were so excited for this addition to the Abigail series! We had the privilege to read Abigail and the Big Start Over. My daughter and I loved that one and knew we would enjoy this one as well.
The series centers around 9-year-old Abigail, who is a normal young lady discovering and learning about the world and others and life. You'll walk alongside Abigail as she navigates some difficult situations and circumstances. These are all relatable and genuinely common situations that most kids will encounter at some point. But Abigail remembers that Jesus is our help and our strength. She uses this to help move forward in her heart and thinking.
The book is structured with twenty-one chapters, a note from the author, and a book-club questions section. McIlrath admits in her note that she was just like Abigail - feeling left out, alone, and like an odd-ball. It's always comforting to know you are not alone in those feelings but even more so knowing that Jesus understands, is always with us, and desires to be our friend and Savior.
I appreciate this fiction series for older elementary kids to learn how to implement their faith in real-world situations.
I received a copy of this book from The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.