“Soul” is a life-changing journey through the Gospel of Mark. In seven interactive sessions, plus a weekend or day away, teenagers will find out what Christians believe, discover the Bible’s answers to the big questions of life and explore what Christianity is really all about. This Leader's Guide provides all the information you need on how to run the course, introductory activity ideas, Bible-study questions with guide answers and lots more!
“Soul” is the 14+ part of the original CY course, the youth edition of Christianity Explored.
Don't forget to register your course for access to extra resources from Christianity Explored Ministries.
Download free extra material to help run your Soul course!
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EPS format
Soul Talk Outlines
All the talk outlines for the seven Soul sessions in a single document.
Soul Talks
Soul talks in an editable document to adapt and make your own.
Extra Ideas
Extra game and introduction ideas that didn’t make it into the manual, together with alternative talk illustrations.
Feedback forms
Printable feedback forms for both CY and Soul to be used at the end of the course.
Guess Who quiz
Powerpoint template for the quiz to be used in Week 2.
Inside Track Talks – PDF or Word Document
Talk outlines for the Inside Track weekend/day away available in either PDF format or in an editable document to adapt and make your own.
Tangrams game
Powerpoint template for the game to be used in Week 7.
The Mark Challenge
Printable sheet for encouraging the group to read through Mark’s Gospel during the Soul course.
Visuals and Activities
Downloadable version of all the images and activity sheets for use during CY and Soul.
“Really helpful Gospel outline for teenagers”
(Review written for 'Soul Starter Pack')
We have used this (with the accompanying DVD, and leaders' guide) for the first 7 weeks of our Y10 home group for the past 4 years. We find it deeply helpful, going through the fundamentals of the Christian faith with kids who may have very differing knowledge about who Jesus is, why He came, and what that means for them. Sets up the rest of our year really well, and gives us lots to refer back to. Very accessible.
Highly recommended for teenagers.
“Really Good discussion based study”
(Review written for 'Soul Starter Pack')
This is the second time I have used this course and both times it has proved invaluable. Each session is very straight forward and it allows for the young people coming a chance to discuss what they think in a very relaxed way.
I tend to use the video's as it allows discussion without it being too preachy.
We have found, unsurprisingly, that some who have grown up in the church and have a bible-based background find it much easier in the first parts of the session. The un-churched ones find this part much harder to engage with. The second half, from the video onwards, it actually switches and the un-churched, we have found engage with that far more than the churched ones do.
It allows for everyone each week to feel as though they have got something out of it for themselves.
Also through the course many have made a step further towards making a commitment to following Jesus, so i can't recommend it highly enough.
(Review written for 'Leader's Guide to CY and CY Nano (previous edition)')
Having used the CE course successfully several times, we bought the CY Nano materials for our young youth group. Sadly, the DVD presentations were wierd (random lights and empty warehouses), and boring (I'm sure Nate is a lovely guy, but someone needs to tell him a joke - he rarely smiles).
The overall result was disappointing and we cannot recommend it - unlike the adult version, where RIco is inspiring. Sorry guys.