Is This It?

The Difference Jesus Makes to that ‘Where-is-my-life-going-I-hate-my-job-I-have-no-real-friends-Is-God-even-There-Will-I-end-up-alone-I-wish-I-was-back-at-school-Will-this-ever-feel-like-home-Am-I-failing-at-life’ Feeling

from 9 reviews

A personal journey through the challenges of adulting, revealing the difference Jesus makes

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This book is for you if:

• You dread family occasions because relatives will ask you what you’re doing with your life
• Social media leaves you with the miserable suspicion that most of your friends have more fun/a better relationship/more money/a better house/more friends than you do
• Watching sitcoms from your adolescence on Netflix makes everything feel better
• You’ve ended up in a job that has absolutely nothing to do with what you dreamed of doing when you were six (or eleven, or sixteen)
• You still keep loads of stuff at your parent’s house

Sooner or later, most of us find that adult life is not all it’s cracked up to be. At some point we take a look at where we’ve got to and wonder, “Is this it? Why did no one warn me that adult life was going to be this… difficult?”

Rachel Jones is 20-something, trying to keep it together, and ready to say what we’re all thinking. Whether you’re just feeling a bit lost or having a full “quarter life crisis”, this funny, honest, hopeful book reveals the difference Jesus makes to the challenges of adulting.

Product details


  • Chapters include…
    1. Dissatisfied Has everyone else got it better than me?
    2. Paralysed (or maybe Indecision) What should I do with my life?
    5. I hate my job I've got how long till I can retire?
    8. Single Why are all my friends getting married?
    9. Dating & Marriage Is this normal or have I made a huge mistake?
    11. Meaningless What's the point?
    12. Self-doubt What if I fail in front of everybody?

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Contributors Rachel Jones
ISBN 9781784983314
Format Paperback
First published January 2019
Dimensions 135mm x 216mm x 12mm
Weight 0.26 kg
Language English
Pages 208
Publisher The Good Book Company

Joel Virgo

Senior Pastor, Emmanuel Church Brighton, UK

Here's some smart, solid, durable and proven wisdom—the kind of wisdom that's getting harder to find. So my advice for 20-somethings who love Jesus: get it and read it.

Rico Tice

Founder, Christianity Explored Ministries

Life in young adulthood can seem pretty disorienting - this book gets how that feels, and helps you find your feet and walk with confidence. And for anyone, like me, who is well beyond being anywhere near young adulthood, Rachel Jones will help you get inside how it feels to be a millennial or Gen-Z-er - to understand the tensions, hopes and fears, and how the Christian faith speaks compellingly to them.

Jaquelle Crowe Ferris

Author of This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years and editor of The Rebelution

Rachel Jones is the friend who just gets you. In Is This It?, she covers profoundly deep and impactful issues for twentysomethings with relatability, honesty, and a healthy dose of humor. This book will uncover and address some of your deepest longings, fears, and insecurities while meeting you with a firehouse of gospel grace and practical insight. I wish everyone my age could read this book!

Independent reviews

This book will help people take their eyes off of their situation and focus instead on Jesus.

Alistair Chalmers, Alistair Chalmers

Jones is a great writer, easy to read and it’s as if she is narrating her book to you. I recommend that you buy it as soon as it hits the shelves, that you read it and buy others copies too.... continue reading


It’s not just going to make you grow; it’s going to make you laugh.

Jonny Ivey, Heirs Magazine

Rachel speaks to the millennial heart on everything from boredom to singleness, doubt to ageing. She faithfully presents the Bible’s promise of something better than whatever we wanted to have by now. She holds out the hope of becoming more like Jesus.... continue reading

Customer reviews

22 Jun 2024

“Such an amazing read!!”

I have not been able to fully finish reading a book since I graduated high school (I want to be, but never have been a reader). With that being said, I was very surprised (and somewhat sad) that I came to the end of this book after a short few days! The messages were encouraging, eye-opening, and truly put living for Christ into perspective for younger adults. I am going to have all my friends and sisters read it, and I might even have to read it again in a few years (or sooner) to refresh!! I recommend any young Christian (or any young person in general looking for some direction) should read this book. You’ll laugh, cry, and ultimately grow in your knowledge and relationship with Christ.

11 Sep 2020

“Honest, relatable, encouraging”

This is great. Rachel is honest and encourages us with scripture throughout to listen what God has to say to us. As a young adult was a great read and I'll revisit the wide range of topics to hear what Gods says and how Rachel has understood experiences.

2 Sep 2020

“Old but not out”

I ordered this book thru Truth for Life. Even tho I’m 60 years old, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. After 33 years of marriage, my husband passed away, and I felt I was starting life over in so many ways. Jones is wise beyond her years because I felt she knew me and where I was at at this point in my life. There’s not much difference in starting out for the first time and having to start over. It’s scary, no matter what your age, because it’s the unknown. Jones is quite humorous, and she made me smile a lot during reading her book. No matter your age, I recommend reading this book; it’s applicable because as a Christian, all of life is a step of faith. Thanks so much.

26 May 2020

“This book was written for ME”

From the very start I could tell this book was for me. Not only because I'm a just-turned-30 single woman, trying to adult (and not very successfully), but also because I'm currently working my 7th job since college and looking for number 8 and constantly wondering if I've missed God's "real" plan for my life. This book drew me in with it's humor and warmth that made me feel like I'm not alone. Then with Biblical truth and compassion showed me where my thoughts about my circumstances had veered off course and gently steered me back. Not only do I want to read this book again but I also want to send it to every person who has ever looked at their life and wondered if they've failed or wandered out of God's plan. There is hope to be had and this book shares it in abundance. Thank you, Rachel Jones, for being brave enough to be vulnerable and for doing the hard work that the rest of us can benefit from.

17 Dec 2019

“A highly accessible and encouraging read”

(Review written for 'Is this it? (ebook)')

With great empathy and humour, Jones walks readers through the various issues the quater-life crisis surfaces in our lives. Most importantly, she encourages readers to look beyond our circumstances by pointing towards the difference Christ makes. Jones not only shows great knowledge of scripture, but also displays great application of these passages with the highly practical and helpful insights she provides. A highly accessible and encouraging read!

11 Mar 2019

“Hugely helpful!”

Found this book extremely helpful. Love the way Rachel keeps the book firmly ground in Scripture, thoughtfully weaving appropriate Bible stories/passages throughout each chapter. Plenty of personal anecdotes are used and her style is warm and engaging, with some lovely moments of human. Highly recommended!

26 Jan 2019

“Such an encouragement!!”

Rachel's life and her brave description of so many areas described in this book mirrors my life incredibly. This is definitely a book that needs to be read by so many young people and young adults. The idea and supposed fear of singleness, questioning the meaning of life, dissatisfaction in ones job, isolation, doubt and so much more are all topics that Rachel explores especially from her own experiences. God has used her especially to tell a story that we all need to contemplate in our lives. Read it, you won't regret it.

12 Jan 2019


The brilliance of Jones’s book is that unlike any other self-help book being pushed at us on social media – it’s an unashamed acknowledgement that not-so-good thoughts litter our minds during times of big changes. But, even more brilliant is Jones’s reliance on God’s Word and His purpose for our lives.

1 Jan 2019

“Warm, witty, helpful.”

There’s no better way to approach the quarter-life crisis than with Rachel Jones. Is This It? will help you navigate through all the tricky turns of millennial life, whether you are going through it yourself or know someone who is. It’s funny, compassionate and completely relatable - highly recommend.

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Is This It? | Rachel Jones |