The Art of Disagreeing

How to Keep Calm and Stay Friends in Hard Conversations

from 7 reviews

Learn from Jesus how to disagree with courage and kindness, avoiding divisive arguments.

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In this positive and practical book, Gavin Ortlund looks to the Scriptures to discover a way in which to disagree with others that leads to greater understanding, peace and love—and that shows a watching world something of Jesus. 

This is a much-needed message in a society that is losing the ability to disagree well. Whether over politics, religion, culture, or the more everyday issues of normal life, points of view tend to be held with a polarising intensity. Too often we view disagreements as must-win contests or we simply do our best to avoid them altogether.

Looking to Jesus’ example of courage and kindness, readers will be given a framework for engaging in intense disagreements with a love that furthers relationships instead of hindering them.

So, whether you tend to fight or flee, learn how to keep calm and stay friends—even when you disagree.

Product details


  • Introduction: Why Disagreement Is Difficult

    1. Kindness
    2. Courage
    3. Listening
    4. Persuasion
    5. Love


Contributors Gavin Ortlund
ISBN 9781802541403
Format Paperback
First published February 2025
Dimensions 129mm x 198mm x 7.6mm
Weight 0.12 kg
Language English
Pages 96
Publisher The Good Book Company

Gary Millar

Principal, Queensland Theological College, Australia; author of Saving Eutychus

This is a winsome, courageous, warm-hearted, and desperately needed book. Don’t let its brevity fool you into thinking it can’t possibly tackle this issue in a searching way. Rather, read it slowly, reflect, repent and commit to relating in Christ-like ways in his strength, and then pass it on to someone else, with the prayer that God may change the way in which we relate to one another for the sake of the gospel of the Lord Jesus!

Andrew Wilson

Teaching Pastor, King's Church London; Author, God of All Things

Gavin is one of the best models of thoughtful, gracious, and healthy disagreement that I know. In this timely book, he shows us how we can learn from, listen to, persuade, and love one another, with a warmth and wisdom that we can all learn from.

Carrie Sandom

Director of Women's Ministry, The Proclamation Trust

With scandals rocking the Christian world and disagreements between Christians played out on social media for all to see, this book is very timely. With pastoral wisdom and practical application, Gavin Ortlund asserts that while disagreement in itself is not a problem, the way we conduct ourselves when we disagree can be hugely damaging. This book encourages us to be better listeners (one of the indelible marks of wisdom) and challenges us not to try and win the argument but rather to build trust with those with whom we may (continue to) disagree.

Customer reviews

11 Mar 2025

“Great Points!”

Having disagreements are always difficult, regardless of what they’re about, whether it be if you prefer daylight savings or standard time (which hits hard this week with the time change) or whether it be about politics. Regardless of what it’s about, though, “arguments”, or tough conversations, can be civil and constructive. I appreciate that this book really lays it out for you.

The author focused on different key points and attributes to use when disagreeing, including kindness and listening. He did a great job at explaining the topics, giving examples, and providing a quick but deep understanding of them.

I especially appreciated the size of this book. It was a quick one, less than 100 pages, which is perfect when wanting a quick grasp. It’s also easy to reference, or to use as a refresher if needed.

Really, it made some fantastic points. The author also provided some good reminders for me, and strategies to try improving my tough conversations with others. Overall, a good book to check out.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, received from @thegoodbookcompanyusa . However, all thoughts and views reflected are strictly my own opinions.

7 Mar 2025

“Must Read”

Much needed direction in helping to focus on the lasting results of making a conscious effort to maintain relationships with concrete steps to disagree with respect and love for others.

13 Feb 2025

“Dealing with Disagreement”

When I first started working for the church, I think I had a very shiny view of what it would be like! In my head, we would always be very friendly, never disagreeing and being able to decide things together quite easily. Now having worked in the church for a decade, it's not that simple! People can love one another and follow Jesus together, but still disagree. However, what matters is working out how we disagree well, being faithful in our work and building one another up in our conversations, even when we need to disagree. This short book from Gavin Ortlund is a good starting point to help us work out how we might be kind, courageous, persuasive, loving, and listen well, even when we need to have those hard conversations

9 Feb 2025

“Concise and Clear!”

In 5 short chapters, Gavin Ortlund gives believers a model for handling disagreements in a way that is reflected in Scripture and brings glory to Christ. Instead of overemphasizing tolerance or championing brashness, Ortlund encouraged us to embrace both kindness AND courage as he shows why each is necessary for positive conversations. Using biblical passages, examples seen in arts and culture, and references to philosophy, he walks readers through what it looks like to listen well, speak persuasively, and overall LOVE the other.

This concise and accessible book is written directly to Believers as it compels us to handle the various conflict-prone situations in our lives in a way that reflects Jesus. I read this independently, but I think it would be especially beneficial for growth in a small group setting. The included discussion questions after each chapter lend themselves well to group conversations.

4 Feb 2025

“Practical and encouraging!”

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and was grateful for it's compact length! Gavin is concise and practical in everything he shares with a well-rounded viewpoint that understands the complexities of disagreements. I'm already putting these skills into practice and am keeping the book handy on my shelf for when I need a refresher! Highly recommend.

2 Feb 2025

“Handling disagreements with wisdom and grace!”

In a world where people are quick to argue and slow to listen, this book is a much-needed reminder that how we handle disagreements matters. Gavin Ortlund points us to humility, wisdom, and biblical kindness—challenging us to disagree in a way that honors Christ.

1 Feb 2025

“Necessary Read for All!”

In a world where disagreement equates to hatred, this simple, concise book brings a powerful change in perspective and should be read by all as a reminder to what God has called us to when disagreements arise in relationships.

The book is structured with an introduction followed by five chapters:

- Kindness

- Courage

- Listening

- Persuasion

- Love

Ortlund walks through the ministry of Christ to show us how He approached disagreements. God can equip us to navigate difficult conversations with grace and wisdom. He challenges us to see disagreements as an opportunity rather than an obstacle to avoid.

I appreciate the author providing practical examples from his own life and ministry, both successes and failures. But in the end, we must rely on the Holy Spirit to mold us and equip us to be like Jesus so we can speak wisely in the middle of a disagreement.

Each chapter concludes with a discussion questions section. These questions helped to process through the content of the chapter while determining the best course of implementing the challenges in your own life.

A great read for everyone to grasp the necessity, opportunity and joy of engaging in difficult conversations.

I received a copy of the book from The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.

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The Art of Disagreeing | Gavin Ortlund |