Exodus For You ebook

Thrilling you with the liberating love of God

from 5 reviews

Expository Bible-study guide to Exodus, showing how this foundational book foreshadows Christ, points to the new creation, and calls us to radical discipleship.

Part of the God's Word For You series.

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Without Exodus, we have an impoverished understanding of the nature of God, the achievement of the cross, the triumph of the resurrection and the identity of God's people.

With his trademark Christ-centred clarity, Tim Chester walks readers through Exodus, making its great themes thrillingly clear to those new to the book, and unearthing wonderful new surprises for those familiar with it.

You can read through this book as a normal book… work through it as part of your daily Bible-reading routine using the questions for reflection at the end of each chapter… or use it to help you teach this book of the Bible, whether in small groups or from the pulpit.

There is an accompanying Good Book Guide available containing Bible studies for small groups.

Product details


  • 1. A People and a Land
    2. What’s in a Name?
    3. When Life gets Harder, not Better
    4. God vs Pharaoh
    5. Liberated for Service
    6. To the Eastern Shore
    7. Grumbling or Gratitude?
    8. Father-in-law: Mission and Wisdom
    9. Meeting at the Mountain of God
    10. The Law of God and Life in Christ
    11. Finding our Way Home
    12. The Priestly Wardrobe
    13. The Golden Calf and the God of Mercy
    14. Show me your Glory
    15. A Taste of God’s Glory

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Contributors Tim Chester
ISBN 9781784980252
Format eBook
First published June 2016
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company
Customer reviews

Audrey Weir
1 May 2022

“Very Helpful”

(Review written for 'Exodus For You')

Made the book of Exodus so much easier to understand and how it points towards Jesus. Also helped me understand the application. Would definitely recommend this either as a group study or personal study.

Anne McCaw
9 Oct 2021

“….”for you” books”

(Review written for 'Exodus For You')

Most of the books I have bought from you have been from the “for you” series, to use alongside a Bible study. I find them very readable - not at all heavy for someone who is by no means academic!!
Delivery has always been prompt.
On the few occasions I have spoken to you on the phone you have also been very helpful.

Pete McMahon
22 Nov 2020


(Review written for 'Exodus For You')

I'm half way through this after a friend raved about it. It's excellent, clearly written and it faithfully works through Exodus. The tone is spot on. He has a way of constantly delving into the rich detail of the text and applying it to us as a pastor, not like an academic. I love the way Exodus is seen in the context of the whole Bible, with the richness of the narrative bringing us afresh to Jesus.

Colin White
30 Sep 2018


(Review written for 'Exodus For You')

Really enjoying it in my morning devotions as I see how the whole story of the exodus ties into the gospel fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
A great piece of work as ever from Chester.

Josie Keys
9 Aug 2016

“clear and helpful”

(Review written for 'Exodus For You')

This book helped me to understand the links between the book of Exodus and what Jesus has done for me in his life and in his death. It is clearly written in chapters which are not too long and which carefully relate to each chapter of Exodus as I read through it. Tim Chester also uses some very down to earth illustrations and stories from real contemporary life. I am looking forward to sharing this book with a small Bible Study House Group to which I belong and believe it will stimulate discussion as well as helping people's daily experience.

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Exodus For You (ebook) | Tim Chester |