“Teaches kids how to be a friend like Jesus!”
God designed us for relationships, but “having good relationships was hard.” In the third book in the Abigail series, Abigail will discover that Jesus notices her even when her friends don’t, and He’ll help her be a good friend even to those who have hurt her.
This series is unique in the way it incorporates Christian values into the normal, everyday life, of the very relatable Abigail. In this book, we find Abigail struggling to fit in when her friends decide to put on a musical number. Abigail can’t sing and can’t dance, so she finds herself on the outside.
Using Psalm 139, Abigail’s mom helps her to see that God made her on purpose and wonderfully, which makes her pretty special. And He didn’t give everyone the gift of performing, but there is still a way she can be a good friend and help; after all, Jesus is the best friend and the best helper anyone could have.
This is such a wonderful read-aloud for ages 6+ as kids will discover what it means to be a good, loving friend. This book uses Scripture (particularly John 15) to teach Abigail about love, friendship, being a helper, and that everyone has God-given talents and a purpose. It teaches the gospel and about the trinity in a way that will be understandable to the youngest of readers.
*I was provided with a copy of this wonderful, entertaining, and edifying story in exchange for my honest review.*