A Jesus Easter (ebook)

A Jesus Easter ebook

Explore God's Amazing Rescue Plan

from 8 reviews

Celebrate the awesome, life-changing events of Easter with this family devotional written by Barbara Reaoch.

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Help your family to appreciate the awesome, life-changing events of Easter with this 30-day devotional.

These easy-to-lead devotions start by looking at Genesis and take us through the Old Testament to see how Easter was always part of God’s amazing plan for his people. The remainder look at the Easter story itself, helping families to experience the full joy of our resurrection hope.

Each day there is a passage to read together, questions to think about, an explanation and a prayer. There are also age-appropriate application questions, with some for younger children and some for older children, as well as journalling space so that family members can write or draw their own response to what God has shown them.

So why not set aside a little time each day in the run-up to Easter with this inspiring and innovative resource to celebrate what Jesus has done for us?

A Jesus Easter is written by Barbara Reaoch, who was the Director of Children’s Division at the Bible Study Fellowship for many years and has also authored two of our Advent family devotionals: A Jesus Christmas and A Better Than Anything Christmas.

Product details


  • Before You Begin
    Some Useful Bible Words
    Day 1: God's First Promise
    Day 2: Safe Forever
    Day 3: God Plans His Family
    Day 4: Speaking God's Word
    Day 5: Friends With God
    Day 6: God's Chosen King
    Day 7: Hardship and Happiness
    Day 8: The Tree Stump
    Day 9: The Suffering Servant
    Day 10: The Hero of Heaven
    Day 11: An Ordinary-Looking King
    Day 12: Mary's Gift
    Day 13: A Peaceful Donkey
    Day 14: Jesus in the Temple
    Day 15: Betrayal!
    Day 16: The Last Supper
    Day 17: Faith That Never Fails
    Day 18: In the Garden
    Day 19: The Plan Unfolds
    Day 20: The Courtroom
    Day 21: Pontius Pilate
    Day 22: The Criminal Who Went Free
    Day 23: Weeping Women
    Day 24: Three Crosses
    Day 25: The Curtain Tears
    Day 26: The Tomb
    Day 27: Back to Life Forever
    Day 28: The Plan Revealed
    Day 29: Good News
    Day 30: Everything Changes


Age range: 3+
Contributors Barbara Reaoch
ISBN 9781784987046
Format eBook
First published February 2022
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Marty Machowski

Family pastor; author of The Ology, The Gospel Story Bible, Long Story Short, and other gospel-rich resources for families

A Jesus Easter will help your family understand the story of Easter, from its first hint in the book of Genesis right through to the spread of the gospel in the early church. Buy a copy of this excellent book and start a tradition of taking your family through an Easter devotional every year.

Tamar Pollard

Families Minister, Wahroonga Anglican Church, Sydney and Co-author of Epic Explorers

This is such a good Easter devotional! It’s richly packed with amazing truths, full of helpful questions and notes, and adaptable for a range of ages. I love the way it doesn’t just show God’s rescue plan but also introduces the lies of Satan in all their different forms and the promises of Jesus that combat them and help us rest in him. I’m certain it will help families focus on our Saviour and also generate further discussions about everyday faith.

Phil Howe

Scripture Union Northern Ireland

I really enjoyed showing this to my boys! The timing was short, the process was simple, and it pointed us to the Saviour, King Jesus. I loved how it showed us God’s grand design—how the Easter story is really the Jesus story and how we see the themes from the beginning of Scripture continue all the way through. Barbara reveals the lies of Satan, the truth of Jesus, and the hope of Easter.

Customer reviews

5 Mar 2025

“Perfect family devotional for Lent!”

(Review written for 'A Jesus Easter')

⭐️ A few things I love about this Easter devotional:

1. It’s designed for ALL ages which means if you’ve got younger and older children, everyone can get something out of it. In fact they note questions for younger kids AND questions for older kids depending on who is present.

2. It’s 30 days, which gives you some freedom to miss a day here and there, add on something else to it, or get a late start if you're using it during Lent.

3. Interactive! With questions every day, and lots of space for writing/drawing, it lends itself to lots of conversation and engagement

Each day includes the following sections:
- Explore (a bible passage to read together & a couple comprehension questions)
- Explain (highlight God’s plan for Easter, the serpent’s lies, and Jesus’ truth in the passage)
- Engage (application/thought-provoking questions and space to write out answers)
- Enter In (prayer)
- A Jesus statement
- Family journaling space to draw or write what you’ve learned

Days 1-10 explore the reasons for Jesus coming to earth, taking us back to the garden of Eden and understanding how sin entered the world.

Days 11-30 jump to the gospels and Jesus’ time on earth, telling the whole Easter story.

*I received a review copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

19 Apr 2022

“Simple, Biblical, and Engaging”

(Review written for 'A Jesus Easter')

A Jesus Easter is the latest family devotional by author Barbara Reaoch and it’s one that my family particularly enjoys! The book is divided into readings for families to go through in the thirty days leading up to Easter. Each devotion is broken up into the following three sections: Explore, Explain, Engage, and Enter In. The Explore section includes Bible verses to look up and read as well as a few simple questions about the verses. The Explain section contains brief devotional content and each devotion concludes by pointing to Jesus’ death and resurrection. The Engage section includes simple questions for parents to ask their children about the Bible verses and devotional content. Each devotion concludes with the Enter In section which contains a brief prayer prompt.

My husband and I generally read children’s Bibles with our girls who are three and six but we especially enjoyed going through the content of A Jesus Easter with them because it had us opening up the actual Bible and reading from it. We love our children’s Bibles but recognize that they are paraphrases of Scripture so it was nice to do something different for our family worship time and it was neat to see the girls engage with it. We really enjoyed A Jesus Easter and look forward to reading more by Barbara Reaoch in the future!

I received A Jesus Easter compliments of The Good Book Company in exchange for my honest review.

4 Apr 2022

“Thought-Provoking Family Discussion Questions”

(Review written for 'A Jesus Easter')

A Jesus Easter: Explore God’s Amazing Rescue Plan by Barbara Reaoch is an interactive family Bible study that walks you and your kids through the Easter story from Genesis on. Each entry includes a corresponding Bible reading, thoughtful questions to get you talking with your kids as well as an interactive space for your child to respond to the reading—such as drawing a picture or writing out a prayer.

I loved the questions included with each day’s reading. This could definitely also be used for a wide variety of ages; my children are 5 and 9, and because of the shorter attention spans, we were never able to get through all the questions.

One thing I would have loved is if the book was bigger or spiral-bound to make writing in it easier for little hands. This is also set up as a single-use book, rather than one you’d buy and use over and over again--but there are free downloads to get extra activity pages so you could always print those to use or for extra kids!

All in all, I enjoyed the conversations this book sparked for me and my kids as we inched toward Easter and prepared us for the joy and awe of that day!

Many thanks to The Good Book Co. who provided a free copy to me to facilitate this review.

3 Apr 2022

“Simple, Biblical, and Engaging”

(Review written for 'A Jesus Easter')

A Jesus Easter is the latest family devotional by author Barbara Reaoch and it's one that my family particularly enjoys! The book is divided into readings for families to go through in the thirty days leading up to Easter. Each devotional is broken up into the following three sections: Explore, Explain, Engage, and Enter In. The Explore section includes Bible verses to look up and read as well as a few simple questions about the verses. The Explain section contains brief devotional content and each devotion concludes by pointing to Jesus' death and resurrection. The Engage section includes simple questions for parents to ask their children about the Bible verses and devotional content. Each devotion concludes with the Enter In section which contains a brief prayer prompt.

My husband and I generally read children's Bibles with our girls who are three and six but we especially enjoyed going through the content of A Jesus Easter with them because it had us opening up the actual Bible and reading from it. We love our children's Bibles have but recognize that they are paraphrases of Scripture so it was nice to do something different for our family worship time and it was neat to see the girls engage with it. We really enjoyed A Jesus Easter and look forward to reading more by Barbara Reaoch in the future! I received A Jesus Easter compliments of The Good Book Company in exchange for my honest review.

18 Mar 2022

“A great Easter resource for the Family!”

(Review written for 'A Jesus Easter')

An excellent resource for families, especially leading up to Easter, as it starts with the Bible Narrative in the Garden of Eden then progresses through the scriptures. It has God's word at the forefront then a short commentary and questions. The family journal space is a bonus that my kids enjoy and you can really see what they are learning from their output on there.

9 Mar 2022

“Our Great Rescuer”

(Review written for 'A Jesus Easter')

How can you experience the Easter story with your children? In A Jesus Easter, Barbara Reoach helps you explore God’s amazing rescue plan. The first 10 days take you through the Old Testament, explaining the background and why Jesus had to come. Days 11-30 are about the Gospel and walk you alongside the life of Jesus.

Explore, Explain, Engage, and Enter In

This is an Easter workbook that can be used for families during Lent. Made for ages 3 - 12, it is adaptable to fit the needs of your family. Each day has four parts: Explore, Explain, Engage, and Enter in. To summarize each day, Reoach writes a simple true statement about Jesus. Family journaling space is also included.

What I love most about this book is how reading the Bible passage together as a family is the key activity. The explanation sections are brief, but will help you find your focus in the Biblical text. And the engagement questions are simple, yet personal, allowing you to truly reflect on Scripture.

Our Great Rescuer

What I most appreciated about this book was how it shows what Jesus gives us by his death and resurrection. For instance, Jesus gives us light and life, peace, life with him, and forgiveness. While we often think of Christmas as a time for giving presents, this book shows that Jesus gives us gifts during Easter. This is a wonderful way to read God’s Word.

This book is an excellent resource for families. Work through it during your family devotions, or give it to your older children to use during their own personal quiet times. With activities and questions to help keep you engaged, you will experience Easter and give worship to our great Rescuer.

I received a media copy of A Jesus Easter and this is my honest review.

18 Feb 2022


(Review written for 'A Jesus Easter')

I'm always on the look out for good devotionals for a family with young children and this was a wonderful addition to all that we have completed with our children.

First and foremost, the illustrations are amazing. Although most of the illustrations are on the front and back cover of the book, they are splattered throughout the book as well and they are simply fun.

The devotional consists of thirty days of diving into the Scriptural Easter story and each day is interactive with activities. There are four sections to each day:

- Explore: diving into the scripture reference for the day with questions to answer

- Explain: brief reading to dig further into the scripture reference

- Engage: additional questions to consider through the scripture reference

- Enter In: prayer

There is significant journaling space throughout the book and extra at the end of the book for family members to record their thoughts, drawings, etc. regarding the day's devotion.

The author states the book is ideal for families with children of all ages, but I would argue that a family with older children would have to take extra time to modify the devotion to be a bit more challenging. Reach does provide brief suggestions on how to accomplish this. This devotional, in general, does require the parents to engage in conversation as it doesn't provide all the "answers" for you. This allows each family a unique learning experience.

She does have an entire section dedicated to a review of biblical words and their meaning. She also provides a website resource that provides answers to the questions throughout each day. I would recommend not utilizing this as it often hinders the rawness of conversation.

I received a copy of this book from The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.

13 Feb 2022

“Great Devotional”

(Review written for 'A Jesus Easter')

An easy-to-use devotional book for families who are looking to explore how the whole Bible points toward Jesus. Each day has a short time reading the Bible, an explanation of what it means for us, followed by some short questions that would work for a wide range of ages. It also has a journalling space at the end of each day to draw and write things that you've learned during that day's devotional. A great value book that would help families to centre their Easter on Christ.

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A Jesus Easter (ebook) | Barbara Reaoch |