90 Days in Ruth, Jeremiah and 1 Corinthians

Draw strength from God’s word

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Ninety days of open Bible devotionals with Mark Dever and Mike McKinley. Includes space for journalling.

Part of the Explore by the Book series.

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Anchor your soul in unchanging truth with these gospel-centered Explore devotions by Mark Dever and Mike McKinley. Enjoy the beautiful hardback format complete with marker ribbon and space for journalling.

Carefully-crafted questions, insightful explanations and helpful prompts to apply the Scriptures to your life will take you to the heart of God's word and then push God's word deep into your heart.

These 90 devotionals in Ruth, Jeremiah and 1 Corinthians, taken from the Explore Quarterly range, are a great way to start reading the Bible. If you already spend time each day in God’s word, this book will take you deeper in to the riches of Scripture, drawing you closer to the Lord and gaining fresh appreciation for His love for us in Christ.

Product details


  • Introduction
    1 Corinthians

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Contributors Mark Dever, Mike McKinley
ISBN 9781784981235
Format Hardback
Dimensions 165mm x 235mm x 29mm
Weight 0.60 kg
Language English
Pages 288
Publisher The Good Book Company

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Lee Gatiss

Director of Church Society and Adjunct Lecturer in Church History at Wales Evangelical School of Theology

If you want reliable guides to lead you, with a light but faithful touch, as you work through and apply chunks of Scripture in your own life, there's no need to look any further than this wonderful series.

Customer reviews

Kenneth Ashby
13 Jan 2021

“A must read book for every Christian”

This superb book takes you into the very heart of God and Christ in ways I had never seen before. I can’t recommend it more highly

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90 Days in Ruth, Jeremiah and 1 Corinthians | Mark Dever, Mike McKinley |