A positive and biblical vision of what it means to be a man
In a world where masculinity is often associated with toxicity, what does it mean to "be a man"?
In a straightforward and empathetic way, Matt Fuller gets beyond cultural confusion and stereotypes as he examines what the Bible says is distinctive about being a man. He outlines a positive vision of biblical masculinity and shows what that might look like in real life today. Men will be encouraged to be sacrificial when leading, to work hard and to protect and invest in others.
Whatever your personality and interests—whether you would rather skin a rabbit, read a book or remodel your house—this book will give you confidence and direction to be the man God wants you to be.
Introduction: To Be a Man Means…
What, Exactly?
Principle #1: Men and Women Really Are
Different (But Don’t Exaggerate)
Principle #2: Take Responsibility
Principle #3: Be Ambitious for God
Principle #4: Use Your Strength to Protect
Principle #5: Display Thoughtful Chivalry
Principle #6: Invest in Friendships
Principle #7: Raise Healthy “Sons”
Conclusion: Progress
Contributors | Matt Fuller |
ISBN | 9781784988647 |
Format | Paperback |
First published | June 2023 |
Dimensions | 128mm x 198mm x 13mm |
Weight | 0.19 kg |
Language | English |
Pages | 176 |
Publisher | The Good Book Company |
This is one of the best Christian books I have read in the past five years. Matt Fuller has the courage to speak to a vital question and to do so with refreshing boldness, enviable clarity, loving warmth, and some delicious humour. His practical pastoral experience breathes through every chapter. Every man—and woman too—will benefit from reading it, and it will make a superb volume for a book group.
This is such an important and significant book for our current culture. With superb skill, Matt opens up the Scriptures in a way that engages with and challenges cultural norms. My heart was warmed, my spirit stirred and my mind stretched. It’s so relevant for men and women of every stage. I just loved it!
This is a radical book—radical because it’s biblical. We live in a time when masculinity gets an eye roll and is diluted and blurred, but Matt Fuller gives readers an inviting, full-strength, 4K vision of what it means to be a man who follows the Son of Man.
Anyone who subscribes to the ‘women should stay silent in church’ view should really be consigned to the history books by now. And anyone who endorses such a position (as those listed above) should be looked at with extreme caution. I notice a number of these reviews are by people are publicly ‘complementarian’ and have been given a free book in exchange for a review. I wonder if the Good Book company did the same with people who are publicly egalitarian, to promote a balanced viewpoint? It doesn’t look like it. Anyway, let’s leave the damaging stereotypes behind and move on Matt, maybe let people be their authentic/unique selves, as they were created by God.
I didn’t read this book to figure out how to be the man God wants me to be… because I’m a woman.
But I was curious how Fuller approached the term ‘masculinity’ in a time when it’s pretty much only used negatively.
I’m a woman, but I’m married to a man and I’m raising two sons. My husband is bombarded with the term ‘toxic masculinity’ and my sons will have to figure out their place in a world where they’re made to feel guilty just for being a male.
While this book is primarily written for males, I think women can benefit from reading this in three major ways: recognizing and encouraging biblical masculinity in our husbands, knowing what to look for in a potential husband if we are single, and knowing what to teach our sons if we are mothers.
This book is not meant to be exhaustive or prescriptive. There is room for differences here— every man is not going to look the same or like the same things, but ‘manhood’ is more defined by a right posture before God and towards others.
I think this book does a great job of pointing to Scripture to dictate the principles men should be living by.
As a woman reading this book, I feel like Fuller did a good job of defending women and validating a lot of the fears and anxieties women may have towards men that men don’t understand or think about. Those who get 'patriarchy' vibes while reading this book were never going to see anything else because they are not listening to what Fuller describes.
I would definitely recommend this book and think it would provide good framework for discussion.
This is just what we need. Not a conservative or progressive take on masculinity, but a thoroughly biblical take grounded in the truth of the Scriptures. I really enjoyed the nuance of the author. We aren't being hit with our cultural polarisation on the issue, but thoughtful commentary instead. Brilliant from Matt Fuller.
(I truncated my review for the character limit. The full review is available at https://www.lifeisstory.com/nonfiction/reclaiming-masculinity-seven-biblical-principles-for-being-the-man-god-wants-you-to-be-matt-fuller/)
This thoughtful, nuanced guide to a contentious topic will appeal to Christian men and some women who want to rethink masculinity in light of cultural controversy. This book is pretty basic, but it covers a lot of important topics about what it means to be a godly man, and Matt Fuller shares helpful insights without being overly prescriptive. He explores some passages and general themes from Scripture alongside current social discourse, highlighting timeless principles about what it means to be a man while also delving into contemporary issues.
Fuller writes with nuance, vulnerability, and understanding, and the book feels like an honest exploration of things he's walked through himself. I also appreciated his British humor, and his care to keep saying "in general" instead of making sweeping statements. This book is less preachy and less restrictive than some similar books, with lots of room for different expressions of core beliefs. I appreciated Fuller's attention to single guys, and when he writes about marriage and fatherhood, it is never with the assumption that these relationships are integral to being a true man.
"Reclaiming Masculinity" will be an encouraging read for many Christian men who want to better understand and articulate what it means to be a man, without relying on outdated stereotypes or tearing down masculinity. Because of Fuller's attention to generational differences between men, this could be a particularly useful book for dads and sons. This can be a great discussion-starter that lots of men can relate to, regardless of their current life stage or different points of disagreement.
Note: I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Very sound reading
Beware the modern looking front cover, this takes ‘masculinity’ back in time. Full of damaging stereotypes that men shouldn’t even try to live up to. Men ‘should be’ leaders, men ‘should be ambitious’ etc etc. Oh and women shouldn't be teachers, leaders etc. Utterly damaging, completely pointless. The author doesn’t want to reclaim masculinity, he wants to reclaim patriarchy.
With so much discussion about what it means to be a man, this is a superb, timely book looking at some of the qualities of what it looks like to be a man according to the bible. Forget what the world might tell you, instead look to grow ambitious for God and use your strength to protect. It's a book that's packed with scripture and is very readable, definitely recommended as a Christmas or Father's Day present!
Reclaiming Masculinity by Matt Fuller is a great resource for men to understand the biblical principles of what it means to be a man of God.
Even more, as a Christian woman, I found this book highly enjoyable and encouraging to read. Not only did it focus on what a healthy biblical masculinity should look like, it offered a refreshing view on a healthy biblical marriage, the roles that women play in that, and what it means to follow Christ.
I think the author did a great job at writing this book in an easy to understand manner. I found the book to be engaging, leaving me wanting to continue reading upon the end of each chapter.
With ample scripture woven through the book, I was inspired by the biblical insights and thought provoking messages throughout the pages.
This timely book is a helpful resource in todays lost and confused world.
I received a copy of this book from The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.
In ‘Reclaiming Masculinity’, Matt Fuller explores seven principles to help men reclaim their masculinity—“not by returning to flawed models of the past nor by asserting [their] own cultural preferences but by looking to the Bible”.
Utilising these seven principles, Fuller sets out to complete a simple yet seemingly challenging sentence, "To be a man means…” or the more crucial assertion, “To be a godly man means…”
While Fuller makes some strong points, I never felt as though I was receiving a lecture from somebody who had it all figured out. Instead, I was reading the words of someone who knows his own faults and failings and who wants to point the reader to Christ with pastoral warmth.
It was nice to see the zeal and natural humour I’ve come to know from listening and reading Fuller’s material. This provided the book with levity when needed.
Fuller was careful not to be too rigid or overly prescriptive in his instructions, which I thought was helpful. It would be very easy to read a book like this and quickly construct a "how to be masculine" checklist, which is not Fuller’s intention.
It’s also worth mentioning, that while the book is generally geared toward men, woman will gain much from this resource as many of the seven principles are simply reflective of a godly character.
In the minds of many, masculinity & toxicity go hand in hand, and being male is seen as more of a vice than a virtue. However, Fuller points to Jesus as the ultimate representation of masculinity, concluding:
“Being a godly man means taking responsibility to lead, being ambitious for God’s kingdom, using your strength to protect the church and serves others, investing in friends, and raising “sons”.
Short, pithy, wise, helpful and sprinkled with humour. A much needed book in this time of confusion.
This book was sent to me by The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.
Part of what supported the rise in popularity of conservative theology was a clear pathway towards godly masculinity. Unfortunately, what often associates the fall of Christian ministers of a conservative persuasion is more hyper or toxic than godly masculinity. A reaction to this is to succumb to the idea that there is no difference between men and women – we need aim only for godliness, but this just doesn’t answer the many theological, sociological (not to mention physiological) questions it throws up.
Cutting through this concerning and confusing milieu, Matt Fuller has written a very helpful and concise clarion call to reclaim a biblical view of manhood offering seven areas of life for men to grow into. I like the fact that he deals with some very tricky passages from the off; I like the fact that it’s British and I like the fact that he references Manic Miner!