Romans Good Book Guides (Korean)

Romans Good Book Guides (Korean)

Romans 1-7: The Gift of God, Romans 8-16: In View of God's Mercy

Combined version of 'Romans 1-7: The Gift of God' and 'Romans 8-16: In View of God's Mercy' (GBG) in Korean

Part of the Good Book Guides series.


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This is a combined edition of 'Romans 1-7: The Gift of God' and 'Romans 8-16: In View of God's Mercy' (GBG) in Korean for use with individuals or groups.

These two part of seven studies will help you to understand one of the most-read, most written-about parts of the Bible. And, as they enable you to you unwrap God’s precious gift of right standing with him, they’ll transform your hearts, lives, identities and perspectives.

Romans 1–7 is all about that righteousness. It shows us why we don’t have it, why we need it, and how we can receive it. It thrills us that “the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6 v 23).

Timothy Keller says that Romans 8 contains the secret to real life change. In this second part of study guide, he takes groups through that chapter and the rest of the second half of the book of Romans. Christians will learn together how to live life in response to God’s mercy, by the power of his Spirit.

Product details


  • Part 1: Romans 1 – 7

  • 1. Introducing righteousness - Romans 1:1-17
    2. Why everyone needs the gospel - Romans 1:18 – 2:29
    3. How to be right with God - Romans 3
    4. What Abraham and David discovered - Romans 4
    5. Enjoying justification - Romans 5
    6. Why Christians obey God - Romans 6:1 – 7:6
    7. Warfare within - Romans 7:7-25

  • Part 2: Romans 8–16

  • 1. The life of the Spirit (8:1-13)
    2. Glorious adoption (8:14-39)
    3. Sovereign mercy (9:1 – 10:4)
    4. The gospel and Israel (10:5 – 11:36)
    5. New relationships (12 – 13)
    6. The weak and the strong (14:1 – 15:1)
    7. Ministry and mission (15 – 16)


Contributors Dr Timothy Keller
ISBN 9788953135345
Format Paperback
Dimensions 150mm x 210mm x 15mm
Weight 0.45 kg
Language Korean
Pages 280
Publisher Duranno Press

Michael J. Kruger

President and Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina

I love this small group study guide series from The Good Book Company. Christians are regularly told they should spend more time studying God’s Word, but sometimes there’s not a clear plan for how to do this. These study guides provide practical, step-by-step guidance on working through books of the Bible, along with wonderful questions that encourage reflection and application. I hope churches and Christian ministries will take advantage of this wonderful resource.

Tim Chester

Crosslands Training; Author of Enjoying God

The aim of the The Good Book Company is to be biblical, relevant and accessible, and nothing embodies that ethos more than their Good Book Guides. Each guide provides a framework for your group to dig into the text of Scripture for itself while providing enough of a steer to keep you on track plus useful pointers towards application. The result is a great combination of fidelity to Scripture and ease of use.

Gary Millar

Principal, Queensland Theological College, Australia; author of Saving Eutychus

The Good Book Guides are an immensely precious resource for the church. A careful blend of helpful context and clearly-worded, searching questions which aim to help readers to uncover the meaning of the text and  apply it in responsible ways. I think these small group studies are the best available and pray that they will continue to prove helpful to local churches across the world!

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