Wonderfully Made (Handbook)

Enjoying life with God's precious gift

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Handbook for participants in the Wonderfully Made video course.

Part of the Wonderfully Made series.

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You will need no convincing that your children are wonderfully made. But there are a whole heap of challenges that come with caring for young children—tiredness, loneliness, boredom and relationship stress to name a few.

Wonderfully Made is a short burst of encouragement for you as you face life with little ones. As part of a group at your local church, you'll be stimulated to share the burdens and joys of parenting with others, and to support one another in the important job of caring for, and raising small children.

And as you think about how to survive and thrive, you'll also be introduced to some bigger questions about God and life.

The seven sessions in this handbook are designed to be used with the Wonderfully Made DVD.

Product details


  • 1. Questions
    2. Image
    3. Creativity
    4. Rest
    5. Relationship
    6. Communication
    7. Spoiled

Free extras


Contributors Mary Winter
ISBN 9781910307175
Format Paperback
First published August 2015
Dimensions 152mm x 229mm x 2.9mm
Weight 0.09 kg
Language English
Pages 48
No. of studies 7
Publisher The Good Book Company

Christine Jensen

Leader of Sydney Diocese Ministry Wives and President of the Australian Mother’s Union

If you have run a Toddlers' Group, you will know that one of the big challenges is how to make them more than a fun morning for the children. Mary Winter has provided us with an easy way to start a discussion about how God has "wonderfully made" us. They show that none of us is here by accident, even though we might have been a surprise to our parents! 
I wish this course had been around when I was beginning my parenting journey.

Ann Benton

Author and conference speaker

Toddler groups present a small but significant window for bridge-building with the local community, but so much more could be done with and for people at this most vulnerable and insecure period of their lives—and that is just the parents. This brilliant collection of short, sensible and practical sessions provide a user-friendly tool for many such groups. Most parents love talking about their children and that is where these sessions begin, but the material gently and fearlessly takes parents to the good and bad news about children, and about us: a gospel opportunity on a plate.

Sheena Tresidder

St Luke's, Hampstead

I absolutely love this material and cannot wait for the next opportunity to use it. I think it is a fantastic first step before people are ready for Christianity Explored.

Wonderfully Made is not only accessible but engaging, good for discussion and has just the right balance of Bible, questions and real life parents sharing their experience with humility and a good dose of humour!

Customer reviews

18 May 2021

“Easy to use”

We have just used this course for the first time as part of the new mums support group that we set up during the covid pandemic. Not being able to run our normal toddler group enabled us to focus on first time new mums. We started meeting in September, but didn't use this material until after Christmas, once we had already established good relationships. We had a couple of Christian mums in the group, but the rest were non-Christians. I found leading the group really straightforward with the videos and leaders notes. The questions are so well written to encourage everyone to answer, whatever their own views on Christianity are. It lead to some great discussions and some fantastic insights in to where these mums were at. Whilst not all of it was directly relevant for mums with very young babies, we could easily adapt the bits about older toddlers and ask what they anticipated things would be like. The mums really enjoyed it and we will be running it again - as an add on at the end of the group, so there is no pressure to stay. I'd also now feel confident to run it as part of our toddler group once that fully reopens.

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Wonderfully Made (Handbook) | Mary Winter |