The Art of Rest (ebook)

The Art of Rest ebook

Faith to hit pause in a world that never stops

from 7 reviews

Discover the secret to real, realistic, non-rules-based rest

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For some of us, resting seems like a waste of time—it means we're missing out on other things. For others, rest seems like a luxury—there's simply too much to do. And for almost all of us, we crave rest, but don't always know how to.

This warm, realistic, humorous book shows us the huge spiritual, emotional and physical rewards of rest.

It shows us how rest gives us time to spend with God and remember his grace. Discover how rest fuels our joy and confidence in God's sovereignty as we learn to depend on him, and not our own efforts, and are refreshed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Adam Mabry shows us how rest helps us make space for relationships, shared experiences and moments to remember; how it liberates us from the pressure of self-reliance; how it gives us a chance to think and reflect; and how it stops us from burning out.

Finally, this book casts a realistic vision for rest that is less rule and more rhythm—less onerous restriction and more liberating art form. Adam Mabry helps us to learn the 'art of rest' with some practical suggestions.

The world never stops. But we need to. And as Christians we can by having faith to hit pause and experience the rich rewards of God-given rest.

Product details


  • 1. I Don't Do Rest
    2. A Bit of Art History
    3. Rest Allows Remembering
    4. Rest is Resistance
    5. Rest Restores Relationship
    6. Rest Brings Reward
    7. Starting to Stop
    8. Rest-chatology


Contributors Adam Mabry
ISBN 9781784983215
Format eBook
First published May 2018
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Lionel Windsor

Author, pastor and teacher at Moore Theological College, Sydney

The modern world's frenetic pace and anxious striving too often pervade our Christian lives and church culture. In answer, Mabry's book is full of honest reflections, theological depth and practical insights. Mabry does far more than provide a list of tips and rules; he reorients our desires according to God's word, teaching us why and how to embrace rest from God's perspective and to delight in Him.

Trevin K. Wax

author of Counterfeit Gospels and Holy Subversion, Gospel Coalition blogger and Managing Editor of The Gospel Project.

The Art of Rest isn’t just about rest; it’s about life—what we are here for. Adam Mabry brings together personal experience, biblical conviction, and keen cultural analysis into a brief and enjoyable book that offers a gospel-centered solution to an ever-present problem. I needed this book. I think you probably do, too.

Collin Hansen

editorial director of The Gospel Coalition and author of Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist's Journey with the New Calvinists

I've read a lot of books on rest for busy Christians, but this is one of the best. It's lively, convicting, and relentlessly focused on Jesus.

Independent reviews

The Art of Rest by Adam Mabry – A Review

Robin Ham, That Happy Certainty, 19 May 2018

Mabry’s opening chapter is titled, “I Don’t Do Rest”; he shares that his wife’s reaction to him announcing he was writing a book on rest was to laugh in his face. The problem he highlights is that many of us aren’t so good at doing rest, but we’re pretty hot at doing ‘do’. In fact we’re suckers for do. We see busyness and think it means we’re achieving something, getting somewhere. It makes us feel important. We idolise being productive and being ‘high-capacity leaders’, but we forget that, ultimately, “God has wired us to require rest.”... continue reading

Customer reviews

Ryan Adrian
7 Jan 2024


(Review written for 'The Art of Rest')

It gives us a clear picture on how we should rest and the importance of rest

Cliff Gast
10 Jun 2023

“An enthralling challenge.”

(Review written for 'The Art of Rest')

Compels you to review what you think is actual resting.

31 Jan 2021

“Very helpful”

(Review written for 'The Art of Rest')

Good discussion of modern day appraoch to Sabbath and rest in journal for all of us who struggle to REST.

30 Jun 2020


(Review written for 'The Art of Rest')

I've read a lot of books about rest and the intro and most of chapter one were very similar to other texts. However, as I got further into the book there were some important self truths to learn about resisting rest, how to 'do' nothing, unhealthy work patterns, building endurance, putting rest into the middle of the working day. I have started putting some of these into practise and am already noticing the difference. The book is also slim enough to keep to hand in a pocket and keep dipping into as a reminder of the need to rest to be effective in life and ministry.

Jean Vann
17 Jan 2019

“Lovely book”

(Review written for 'The Art of Rest')

I loved this book. It is very easy to read and is one of those books that says something important but in a simple way. A book that changed my view on things. I liked the way it was like a play built up to the last chapter. It remains in your mind after you have read it.

9 Aug 2018

“Love it!”

(Review written for 'The Art of Rest')

Great book about a very important topic.

Jess Bester
6 Jul 2018


(Review written for 'The Art of Rest')

In a world where the going always seems to be tough, and the race never ending, this book brought about an 'eye of the storm' type of serenity and encouragement, a reassurance that God created us to endure and outrun the pace of the world, but with HIM and HIS way. A thought provoking, life changing and spiritually inspiring read.

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The Art of Rest (ebook) | Adam Mabry |
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